Nakaii Faction

The faction led by the senior Nakaii, with 60 members, that maintained Suzuran's power balance alongside Kawaishi Faction, with 80 members, and the sophomore Katsuragi Faction, with only 6 members.
Minor fights between Suzuran and Housen students evolved to an all out war. Kawaichi and Nakaii joined forces to fight. The showdown was huge and everyone had weapons, the police intervened and several people were arrested or severly injured. Between Housen's fighters there was Bitou Makio fighting unarmed but defeating several Suzuran's. One of his punchs broke Nakaii's ribs and it puncture his lungs. He died a bit later.
Suzuran had to expel about 30 students after the fight, one of them was Kawaishi, who formed a small gang of about 20 members to avenge Nakaii and get Bitou Makio. Genjirou Katsuragi tells that Kawaishi probably just wanted to scare Bitou but the knife ended up on his belly and Bitou died two days later. Kawaishi was arrested. After the two trafic deaths, Katsuragi met with Housen's representatives and sealed a cease fire.

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